Page 8 - Home Buying Guide
P. 8

Mortgage loan insurance & your down payment.

          Your CMHC (or other insurer) mortgage insurance premium is based on the size of your down payment.

                                                Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Mortgage
                                                Loan Insurance protects the lender in the event of a default, and
                                                is mandatory if your down payment is less than 20% of the
                                                purchase price.  Your CMHC premium is calculated as a
                                                percentage of the mortgage amount, base on the relative size of
                                                your down payment.  Homes that cost $1,000,000 or more do not
                                                require CMHC insurance because they must have a minimum
                                                down payment of 20%.

                                                You can find the CMHC Insurance calculator on line to determine
                                                you r mortgage insurance costs.

             Down payment                                                        CMHC Premium (%)

             5% TO 9.99%                                                                               4.0%

             10% TO 14.99%                                                                             3.1%

             15% TO 19.99%                                                                             2.8%

             20% or higher                                                                             0.0%
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13